Oral and maxillofacial surgeons have highly specialized training beyond that of other dental professionals, which is why many dentists refer their patients to an OMS for more complex procedures. Oral surgeons undergo years of extensive training and experience, ensuring that you receive the best possible treatment. All of us at Gainesville Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery want you to feel confident that you are receiving the best possible care, and our oral surgeon, Dr. Fred Simonton, has years of experience and expert training. To give you a better idea of what exactly an oral and maxillofacial surgeon is, we’ve provided some additional information about the education and training process that oral surgeons must go through before treating patients.

Future oral surgeons must choose a residency program approved by the American Dental Association’s Commission of Dental Accreditation after they’ve fully completed dental school. These residency programs can vary between four and six years in length, and they include extensive training in many different procedures, including training in the proper administration of anesthesia.

Some oral surgeons choose to earn a dual degree in both dentistry and medicine; these surgeons are both licensed oral surgeons and medical doctors. Dual degrees, on average, take another six years to complete, as participants perform not only oral surgery but also all surgeries that a typical medical intern would perform. All of this surgical training is in addition to the undergraduate and dental degrees they received before starting medical school. In short, both paths for oral surgeons include years of training beyond what is typically required of other dental professionals, which allows them to provide you with the best possible care.

Additionally, oral surgeons tend to perform certain procedures, like wisdom teeth removal and the placement of dental implants, more often than other dental professionals do. Choosing a doctor with the most experience and training is crucial when it comes to something as important as your smile.

We want to ensure that you feel comfortable with all aspects of your treatment when you visit us at Gainesville Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Dr. Fred Simonton’s extensive training translates into exceptional quality care for you as our patient, so you can rest assured that your smile is in good hands. You can also feel confident that our highly trained staff is here to answer any questions you may have. Please contact us to schedule an appointment and learn more about our practice and treatment options. We look forward to hearing from you, and thanks for reading!